Responsible Jewellery Council

Responsible Jewellery Council

In 2013 Solid Gold Diamonds underwent the arduous audit process to become a member of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC).


The RJC is a standards-setting organisation that has been established to reinforce consumer confidence in the jewellery industry by promoting responsible ethical human rights, social and environmental practices throughout the jewellery supply chain. The RJC has developed a common platform of standards for the jewellery supply chain and credible mechanisms for verifying responsible business practices through third party auditing. We commit to operating our business according to the RJC Principles and Code of Practices.

In the words of the RJC, the codes of Practices are defined as: General Requirements code is instilled to improve legal and regulatory compliance, reporting and promotion of responsible business practices to Business Partners.

Responsible Supply Chains and Human Rights code increase the use of due diligence in supply chains of Diamonds, Gold and the Platinum Group Metals in order to support the respect for human rights, community development, anti-corruption efforts, and to manage sourcing risks.

Labour Rights and Working Conditions code ensure the use of appropriate disclosure and controls for information about Diamond, Gold and Platinum Group Metal Products, including to consumers.

Health, Safety and Environment code upholds the implementation of responsible practices for health, safety and environmental management.

Gold, Diamond and Platinum Group Metal Products code ensure the use of appropriate disclosure and controls for information about Diamond, Gold and Platinum Group Metal Products, including to consumers.

Responsible Mining code increases the implementation of responsible exploration and mining practices, as the starting point for the supply of Diamonds, Gold and Platinum Group Metals for Jewellery Products.

Full details of these codes are available at: In line with this policy our commitment is to integrate ethical, human rights, social and environmental considerations into our day-to-day operations, business planning activities and decision-making processes.


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